
IFS2403 Hybrid sensors

Confocal hybrid sensors for displacement, distance & position

The confocal chromatic confocalDT IFS2403 sensor combines the benefits of two successful confocal concepts. With an outer diameter of 8 mm, this sensor is almost as compact as the confocalDT IFS2402 miniature sensor. However, due to its larger numerical aperture, it receives significantly more reflected light than the smaller 4 mm diameter version. These sensors are also available with radial or axial beam path.

confocalDT IFS2403

  • Measuring ranges (mm): 0.4 | 1.5 | 4 | 10
  • Linearity max. 0.3 µm
  • Resolution max. 0.016 µm
  • Hybrid sensor
  • Housing made from steel
  • Increased offset distance
  • Axial and radial measurement direction
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